Graduation Day- June 26, 2008
Our Lady of Lourdes Church ( Bishop Murray High School ) and The Radisson Hotel
1:00 p.m. Graduands gather at Church to get Caps and Gowns, dress and prepare for Group Picture.
2:00 p.m. Mass begins (***Attendance at mass is mandatory for all graduates)
3:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony begins
5:30 p.m. Graduates assemble at The Radisson Hotel, for Grand Entrance and Banquet.
6:00 p.m. Graduation Banquet
7:00 p.m. Short Program
We hope that this schedule will allow you to plan for any family activities, personal pictures, and hairdressing appointments
Grad Fee The Grad fee has been tentatively set at $95. This fee is designed to cover the
following expenses: grad photo sitting fee, gown rentals, decorations one banquet ticket and the Grad retreat.
Important dates
- Next meeting Tuesday, March 4 at 9:10 in Room 49
- Grad photos will be taken on Tuesday, May 27 starting at 9:30 in 10 minute time slots
- Grad Retreat (mandatory for all Grads) is on Thursday, June 5 from 9:00 2:30
- Graduation Day – Thursday, June 26